SICONG® SP-1001 aqueous silane and siloxane copolymer microemulsion, is an excellent hydrophobic impregnation agent, can be used for ordinary reinforced concrete structure and waterproof, and can be used for highway pavement base waterproof, can reduce the simplified pavement waterproof technology, and has good durability.
Suitable for a large amount of water absorption of mineral substrates such as brick, concrete, mortar, and cement products. Not suitable for less absorbent, dense natural stone, especially limestone, marble and reinforced concrete bridges and roads.
Silane / siloxane content 40%
Density, 25 ℃ 0.9-1 g/cm3
Flash point > 100 ℃
The shelf life 6 months
Diluent water
The above data for reference purposes only, and should not be used for the preparation of technical specifications.
When using, please read the product manual.